
Showing posts from December, 2018


Dear All, Thank you to everyone who took part in the various events around the villages commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1. I personally found it very moving to remember that these men (and their families) were from our villages, grew up round here, went to school in one of the village schools, and then gave so much for our sakes. Even those who returned un-wounded physically would never be the same again. I feel privileged to live in an area where so many people live who have also done much to make the world a better place for all of us, in small or large ways.  If you attended one of the services, you will probably have been challenged to commit to working towards peace, healing and justice for all. It seems to me that that is the only suitable response to the suffering that we see around us; not to sit around  and hope for a better world, but to work hard to help it become one. And we don't need to wait for another war to start. It begins with...